Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Year Author(s) Title Publication Link
2023William S. Pearman, Grant A. Duffy, Xiaoyue P. Liu, Neil J. Gemmell, Sergio E. Morales,and Ceridwen I. Fraser Macroalgal microbiome biogeography is shaped by environmental drivers rather than geographical distanceAnnals of Botany XX: 1–13, 2023
2023Souza, J., Felsing, M., Jakoboski, J., Gardner, J.P.A., and Hudson, M. Moana Project: Lessons Learned from a National Scale Transdisciplinary Research ProjectFrontiers in Marine Science
2023Van Vranken, C., Jakoboski, J., Carroll, J. W., Cusack, C., Gorringe, P., Hirose, N., Manning, J., Martinelli, M., Penna, P., Pickering, M., Piecho-Santos, M., Roughan, M., Souza, J. and Moustahfid, H.Towards a global Fishing Vessel Ocean Observing Network (FVON): state of the art and future directionsFrontiers in Marine Science
2023Kerry, C., Roughan, M. and Souza, J. Characterizing the Variability of Boundary Currents and Ocean Heat Content Around New Zealand Using a Multi-Decadal High-Resolution Regional Ocean ModelEstuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
2023Montano, M., Suanda, S. and Souza, J. Modelled coastal circulation and Lagrangian statistics from a large coastal embayment: The case of Bay of Plenty, Aotearoa New ZealandEstuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
2023Souza, J., Suanda, S., Couto, P., Smith, R., Kerry, C., and Roughan, M.Moana Ocean Hindcast – a 25+ years simulation for New Zealand Waters using the ROMS v3.9 modelGEOsphere
2022Kerry, C., Roughan M. and Souza, J.Drivers of upper ocean heat content extremes around New Zealand revealed by Adjoint Sensitivity AnalysisFrontiers in Climate
2022Leonard, K., Buttigieg, P. L., Hudson, M. , Paul, K., Pearlman, J., & Juniper, S. K.Two-eyed seeing: Embracing the power of Indigenous knowledge for a healthy and sustainable OceanPLoS Biologyhttps://doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.3001876
2022Cook, F., Smith, R. O., Roughan, M., Cullen, N. J., Shears, N., & Bowen, M.Marine heatwaves in shallow coastal ecosystems are coupled with the atmopsphere: insights from half a century of daily in situ temperature recordsFrontiers in Climate (Special Issue: Marine Heatwave Interactions)
2022van der Reis, A. L., Norrie, C. R., Jeffs, A. G., Lavery, S. D., & Carroll, E. L.Genetic and particle modelling approaches to assessing population connectivity in a deep sea lobsterNature Scientific Reports
2022Quigley, C., Roughan, M., Chaput, R., Jeffs, A. G and Gardner, J.P.A.Combined biophysical and genetic modelling approaches reveal new insights into population connectivity of New Zealand green-lipped musselsFrontiers in Marine Science
2022Elzahaby, Y., Schaeffer, A., Roughan, M. and Delaux, S.Why the Mixed Layer Depth Matters When Diagnosing Marine Heatwave Drivers Using a Heat Budget ApproachFrontiers in Climate
2021Elzahaby, Y., Schaeffer, A., Roughan, M. and Delaux, S.Oceanic Circulation Drives the Deepest and Longest Marine Heatwaves in the East Australian Current SystemGeophysical Research Letters
2021Bax, N., Novaglio, C., Maxwell, K. H., Meyers, K., McCann, J., Jennings, S., Frusher, S., fulton, E. A., Nrusey-Bray, M., Fischer, M., Anderson, K., Layton, C., Reza Emad, G., Alexander, K. A., Rousseau, Y., Lunn, Z. and Carter, C.G. Ocean resource use: building the coastal blue economyReviews in Fish Biology and
2021Vennel, R., Weppe, S., Scheel, M., Knight, B., and Smeaton, M. Fast lagrangian particle tracking in unstructured oceanmodel grids Ocean
2020Alexander, K., Fleming, A., Bax, N., Garcia, C., Jansen, J., Maxwell, K. H., Melbourne Thomas, J., Mustonen, T., Pecl, G. T., Shaw, J., Syme, G., & Ogier, E. Equity of our future oceans: outcomes and practice in marine science researchReviews in Fish Biology and FisheriesDOI: 10.22541/au.160761569.97952359/v1
2020Bax, N., Novaglio, C., Maxwell, K. H., et al. Empowering her guardians to nurture our oceans futureReviews in Fish Biology and FisheriesDOI: 10.22541/au.160391058.89181791/v1
2020Van Vranken, C, Vastenhoud, B. M. J., Manning, J. P., Plet-Hansen, K., Jakoboski, J., Gorringe, P. and Martinelli, M. Fishing gear as a data collection platform: Opportunities to fill spatial and temporal gaps in operational sub-surface observation networks Frontiers in Marine
2020Siripatana, A., Kerry, C.,Marcos A. C. Souza, J. and Keating, S.Assessing the Impact of Nontraditional Ocean Observations for Prediction of the East Australian CurrentJGR Oceans
2020Norrie, C., Dunphy, B., Roughan, M., Weppe, S., and Lundquist, C. J. Spill-over from aquaculture may provide a larval subsidy for the restoration of mussel reefs Aquaculture Environment Interactionsdoi: 10.3354/aei00363
2020 Azevedo C. de Souza, J., Couto, P., Soutelino, R., Roughan, M. Evaluation of four global ocean reanalysis products for New Zealand waters–A guide for regional ocean modelling New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research doi: 10.1080/00288330.2020.1713179
2019Kaiser, Brooks A., Hoeberechts M., Maxwell K., Eerkes-Medrano L., Hilmi N., Safa A., Horbel C, Juniper S. K., Roughan M., Lowen N. T., Short K. and Paruru D.The Importance of Connected Ocean Monitoring Knowledge Systems and CommunitiesFrontiers in Marine Sciencedoi: 0.3389/fmars.2019.00309.
2019O’Callaghan J, Stevens C, Roughan M.,, Cornelisen C, Sutton P, Garrett S, Giorli G, Smith RO, Currie KI, Suanda SH, Williams M, Bowen M, Fernandez D, Vennell R, Knight BR, Barter P, McComb P, Oliver M, Livingston M, Tellier P, Meissner A, Brewer M, Gall M, Nodder SD, Decima M, Souza J, Forcén-Vazquez A, Gardiner S, Paul-Burke K, Chiswell S, Roberts J, Hayden B, Biggs B and Macdonald H .Developing an Integrated Ocean Observing System for New ZealandFrontiers in Marine Sciencedoi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00143