MetService Insights Platform

Particle Tracker

MetService Insights Platform Particle Tracker, developed as part of the Moana Project, is a graphical user interface (GUI) that can easily configure, run, and visualize particle tracking simulations.

Particle Tracker allows users to predict the transport of particles (e.g. larvae, oil, plastics, sediments) in the ocean, using the powerful ocean models developed in the Moana Project.

Key Features

    • Oil spills

    • Sediment transport

    • Lost objects/persons

    • Invasive species

    • Marine larvae

    • Plastics

    • Scientific research

    • Education

    • Biosecurity

    • Coastal engineering consultancy

    • Ocean dynamics awareness

    • Search and rescue

    • Emergency response for oil-spills

    • Hindcast (historical data - past 30+ years)

    • Nowcast (Archived forecast - past 2 years)

    • Forecast (up to 7 days in the future)

    • Backtracking (Where it came from)

    • Combine multiple datasets (regional scale -> global scale)

    • Choose currents, winds and waves datasets

    • Unstructured and regular grids

    • Organism tolerance (temperature, salinity and age)

    • Interaction with coastline and seabed

    • Vertical migration during day/night

    • Population mortality

    • Particle trajectories

    • Concentration heat maps

    • Environment data layers (currents, winds and waves)

    • Statistics (drift velocity, distance, particle status)

Environmental Data Sets

    • MetOcean ROMS New Zealand Backbone (Hydro)

    • MetOcean ROMS Bay of Plenty (Hydro)

    • MetOcean SCHISM Cook Strait (Hydro)

    • Mercator Ocean - Global (Hydro)

    • MetOcean Global Wave-Watch 3 (Waves)

    • MetOcean WRF New Zealand (Winds)

    • ECMWF - Global (Winds)

    • NOAA GFS Global (Winds)

    • ROMS Moana Backbone Hindcast (Hydro)

    • MetOcean Global WW3 Hindcast (Waves)

    • WRF New Zealand Hindcast (Winds)