For the Media
Media enquiries
Dr Malene Felsing – Project Manager, MetOcean Solutions
malene.felsing@metocean.co.nz | Office +64 7 825 0540 | Mobile +64 21 298 0898
Dr Joao de Souza – Moana Project Director, Science Lead and Research & Development Manager at MetOcean Solutions
Project overview, ocean modelling and forecasting, marine heatwaves
j.desouza@metocean.co.nz | Office +64 7 825 0540 | Mobile +64 22 090 3429
Dr Robert Smith – Ngā Ripo o Te Moana Team Member and Lecturer at the University of Otago
Marine heatwaves
robert.smith@otago.ac.nz | Office +64 3 479 5365 | Mobile +64 22 041 3275
Associate Professor Maui Hudson - He Papa Moana Team Lead and Associate Professor at the University of Waikato
Whakatōhea case study & Cross Cultural Ocean Knowledge
maui.hudson@waikato.ac.nz | Office +64 7 838 4028 | Mobile +64 27 206 1183
Dr Julie Jakoboski - Te Tiro Moana Team Lead, MetOcean Solutions
Ocean data and the Mangōpare temperature sensor
j.jakoboski@metocean.co.nz | Office +64 7 825 0540
Professor Jonathan Gardner - He Hono Moana Team Lead and Professor at Victoria University of Wellington
Kaimoana connectivity: mussels and pāua
jonathan.gardner@vuw.ac.nz | Office +64 4 463 5574
Professor Andrew Jeffs - He Hono Moana Team Lead and Professor at Auckland University
Kaimoana connectivity: mussels and rock lobster
a.jeffs@auckland.ac.nz | Office +64 9 923 7638 | Mobile +64 21 256 3303
General enquiries
Please use the form below or email info@moanaproject.org
Background Information
The Moana Project was spearheaded by MetService’s oceanographic division MetOcean Solutions and involves New Zealand’s oceanography research institutes, including the Cawthron Institute, NIWA, Terra Moana, Victoria University of Wellington, and Auckland, Waikato, and Otago Universities. A partnership with Whakatōhea Māori Trust Board will bring indigenous ocean knowledge to the project.
This stellar New Zealand team is collaborating with international experts from Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, the University of North Carolina Wilmington and the University of Hawaii, US; the Australian Bureau of Meteorology and the University of New South Wales, Australia.
The project also has support from a wide range of ocean-information end-users, including the New Zealand Defence Technology Agency, the seafood sector including Terra Moana, Seafood NZ, Pāua Industry Council, Rock lobster Industry Council, Deepwater Group, the Ministry for Primary Industries and district and regional councils.
Project Images
Images are available upon request. Please contact info@moanaproject.org