Conference presentations
Roach, C.J. (2022) Future Marine Climate Downscaling for the New Zealand Region. The 13th International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography. Online. February 2022.
Montaño, M. (2022) Combined influence of the oceanic mesoscale and local winds on the coastal circulation of the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. The 13th International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography. Online. February 2022.
Azevedo C. de Souza, J. (2022) 2021 Warm winter in New Zealand’s oceans. The 13th International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography. Online. February 2022.
C. Kerry. (2022) Advection driving the onset of Marine Heatwaves in coastal waters revealed by Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis. The 13th International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography. Online. February 2022.
Trauzzi, G. (2021) SNPs reveal lack of overall genetic structure and large effective population sizes for the blackfoot abalone, H. iris, at Kaikōura, despite evidence of changes in connectivity among demes due to the 2016 earthquake. NZ Molecular Ecology conference. Online. November 2021.
Hudson, M. (2021) Equity in Open Scholarship. 2nd global Open Science Conference at the United Nations. Online. July 2021.
Azevedo C. de Souza, J. (2021) Moana Project: Understanding ocean dynamics, connectivity to support NZ’ seafood sector. Moana Reanalysis - an ocean estate estimate for the New Zealand EEZ. NZ Marine Sciences Society Conference. Tauranga. July 2021.
Lundquist, C. (2021) Increasing complexity in modelling larval dispersal in Aotearoa New Zealand. NZ Marine Sciences Society Conference. Tauranga. July 2021.
Montaño, M. (2021) A coastal-scale hydrodynamic simulation for the Bay of Plenty. NZ Marine Sciences Society Conference. Tauranga. July 2021.
Chaput, R. (2021) Modelling population connectivity of Perna canaliculus at Ninety Mile Beach. NZ Marine Sciences Society Conference. Tauranga. July 2021.
Quigley, C. (2021) Oceanographic and genetic connectivity of green mussels at the national scale. NZ Marine Sciences Society Conference. Tauranga. July 2021.
Jakoboski, J. (2021) Te Tiro Moana - Eyes on the Ocean. New Zealand Ferderation of Commerical Fishermen Inc Conference. Dunedin. June 2021.
Hudson, M. (2021) Ocean observation and indigenous knowledge. Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean. Online, January 2021.
Egan, E., Anderson, T., Francis, M., Lundquist, C. (2020) Meta-analysis of larval dispersal traits for New Zealand coastal species. 5th World Conference on Marine Biodiversity. Auckland. December 2020.
Trauzzi, G. (2020) Genetic connectivity of recovering pāua (H. iris) populations at Kaikoura through SNP development: the effects of the earthquake, source and sink populations dynamics and patterns of local adaptation. NZ Molecular Ecology Conference. Online. December 2020.
Costa, C. (2020) Verification of Moana temperature forecasts using ARGO profiles. New Zealand Physical Oceanography Workshop. Online. November 2020.
Jakoboski, J. (2020) Verification of Moana temperature forecasts using ARGO profiles. New Zealand Physical Oceanography Workshop. Online. November 2020.
McDonald, R. (2020) Mātauranga Māori in our Moana. New Zealand Marine Sciences Society. Online. October 2020.
Maxwell, K. (2020) Mātauranga Māori in our Moana. New Zealand Marine Sciences Society. Online. October 2020.
Azevedo C. de Souza, J., Jakoboski. J. Roughan, M. (2020) The Moana Project: Crowd Sourcing Ocean Data Collection Through the Seafood Sector to Improve Ocean Models, Supporting the Blue Economy. Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020. San Diego, California, February 2020.
Azevedo C. de Souza, J., Soutelino, R., Durrant, T., Couto, P. (2019) New Zealand ocean forecast system - present and future. OceanPredict ’19 Symposium. Halifax, Canada, May 2019.
Roughan, M. (2019) The Moana Project: Seafood sector support for ocean data collection to improve ocean prediction in New Zealand. OceanPredict ’19 Symposium. Halifax, Canada, May 2019.
Roughan, M. (2018) The Moana Project. Australian Meteorology and Oceanography Society Conference. Sydney, Feb 2018.
McComb, P. (2017) The Moana Project. New Zealand Marine Science Society Conference. Christchurch, July 2017.
Roughan, M. (2017) The Moana Project. New Zealand Physical Oceanography Workshop. Wellington, August 2017.
Trancoso, R. (2017) Hau-Moana V1.0. New Zealand Physical Oceanography Workshop. Wellington, August 2017.