Victoria University of Wellington, Te Herenga Waka: Master's Scholarship opportunity

Up to two Master’s scholarships are available to work under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Ocean Mercier on projects that support other iwi/hapū interests. Projects are invited that extend tangata whenua understandings – past and present – of ocean dynamics (broadly understood), as well as hapū aspirations for marine harvest, aquaculture and sustainability, and how to connect these to physical data on te moana.

During the Master’s project, sucsessful applicants will:

  • Work with a national network of researchers and communities, particularly the He Papa Moana branch of the Moana Project;

  • Determine and research an aligned marine kaupapa of significance and interest to particular iwi/hapū/rohe, using appropriate methodologies;

  • Provide conceptual thinking, feedback and data support to He Papa Moana for the development of a cross-cultural knowledge platform;

  • Communicate research findings in academic and public communications, both oral and written.


  • Applicants should have completed either an Honours or a Bachelor's degree in a relevant discipline (e.g. Māori Studies, Marine Ecology) by February 2021.

  • Applicants should have whakapapa links to the iwi/hapū of interest for their proposed project.

  • Applicants should be able to start by March 2021.

    Applicants who are interested in applying for this scholarship are required to send an email title "He Papa Moana/Moana Project Master’s Scholarship" to: Assoc. Prof. Ocean Mercer:

    Applicants must include the following documents in their email:

    • A statement of research interests and experience

    • A copy of your CV

    • A copy of your academic transcripts

    • An indication of the topic or issue you are interested in researching

    • An indication of your potential start date

    • Names and contact details of two academic referees who are willing to provide confidential comments on your suitability for the Master’s study

For more information around the masters and the application process, please click here


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